Fueling Our Passion With Uber Jump

Ever since we got rid of our car last year, we’ve relied more and more on Uber and their JUMP electric bikes placed all over San Francisco. We love how eco-friendly, quick, and convenient they are for our daily commute and random trots around town! Since they’re powered by batteries you can choose to let the bike pedal assist you or sweat a bit on your own. Sometimes if I want to a great workout, I’ll just turn down the pedal assist to low. It’s up to you!

uber jump ferry building

They’re hard to miss with their signature red styling.

uber scooter

You can easily rent one the JUMP electric bikes with the Uber app after choosing the ‘Bike & Scooter’ option. 

uber jump reserve

After seeing all the options near you, you pick the bike, reserve it, unlock it, and you’re ready to go!

uber jump flowers

One of our favorite ways to use the JUMP electric bike is our weekly visit to the beautiful Ferry Building to pick up some organic produce, locally produced olive oils, and grab a bite to eat. If you’ve been waiting to use a JUMP bike - just try one out - they’ve totally changed our lives for the better!

uber jump inside ferry building
zory shopping uber jump
uber jump mushrooms
oysters ferry building
uber jump coffee
uber jump dining
uber jump finale