Photos from Burning Man 2018 of the Best Art
One of the things that keeps bringing me back to Burning Man every year is the outrageously creative and stunning art pieces strewn about on the playa. While biking out on the playa with my camera each sunset and sunrise - I was able to capture some of my favorite pieces. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do - Dusty Hugs!
With Open Arms We Welcomed That Which Would Destroy Us
This art piece named 'With Open Arms We Welcomed That Which Would Destroy Us' was a Robot Deity that had two faces - one that welcomed you and the other that eventually devoured you.
In Every Lifetime I Will Find You
This beautiful stainless steel structure called 'In Every Lifetime I Will Find You' by Michael Benisty was a gleaming oasis in the desert. I found myself coming back here every sunset.
One of the most intricate and imposing pieces this year - all the way from Beijing - the aptly named Desert Guard 风海镇 (built by the Beijing Burner Club) was a giant steel Mongolian warrior that stood guard over all the playa. Amazingly, the group that brought it over - it was their first year at Burning Man!
Lodestar - an old military jet that blossomed into a human gathering place at the top. You couldn't find a better place to be during sunset.
A new art car out of the SF Bay Area - Sanctuary dazzled with it's intricate woodwork, lighting, lasers, fire, and music.
Also a new art car this year - hailing out of Colombia - the Jaguara art car was made to resemble a jaguar coming out of the Amazon River. It was easily one of the most stunning cars on the playa.
This adorable snail art car heading home at sunrise. :)
Notorious B.A.D.
Hailing from Canada, this steel dragon had all the Game of Thrones feels.
This intergalactic vixen posed for a couple shots before blasting off in her spaceship.
Irina Kazakova
Was she real or did I imagine her?
Nirnur Muvmuv
Oswaldo Toro
One of my campmates, Oswaldo, looks like a total rock star. You can find him at Robot Heart every sunrise.
Being from the South - this made me remember how I used to say "Y'all" every other sentence when I moved to SF eight years ago.. Sadly, I lost this parlance over the years.. which has now been replaced with "Hella".. On the art piece is my beautiful friend Connie Yang.
Jaime and Diana on the Golden Chariot
After stumbling into a couple from LA, Stason Strong and Jessica, who made this RC controlled Golden Chariot - I hung out for hours as people came up in wonder of this couch on wheels! My stunning campmates Jaime and Diana swung by also to take their Playa Royalty shot.
The Rainbow Bridge - a great place to walk up, hang, contemplate life, or just burn some carbs.
Art by Olivia Steele
These are the questions that come up at 4 am on the playa and a great piece of artwork by Olivia Steele.
Art by Olivia Steele
This was a series of artwork of mirrored PDA (Public Displays of Awareness) by Olivia Steele.
Pacha Mama by Artist Juan Manuel Ramal, model: Charlotte de Casabianca
‘Pachamama’ is represented by a tree with a woman’s body growing over a defeated robot representing the force and perpetual regeneration of nature. The artist, Juan Manuel Ramal, wanted to inspire people to respect and protect the planet while being a reminder for the necessity of a peaceful co-existence between technology and nature.
My campmate Charlotte has become one with the robots.
These dinosaur replicas were lavishly decorated with beads in the art of the Huichol, an indigenous tribe in Mexico who lives on the lands where the original dinosaurs were found.
For George and his beloved dog Dot
Who's a good girl?
This art piece was done in memorial of a Burner who passed away recently. His dream was to build a sculpture of his beloved dog Dot to share with the playa. His campmates lovingly fulfilled his dream this year with this furry, lovable piece. People were invited to leave notes on the art piece and to vocally interact with it.
Last year, this group from Spain brought one giant walking doll. This year, they brought another one. So in 4 years we'll have a gang of them!
Let U.S Prey - a giant eagle made of copper pennies, nickels, and dimes. It was hyper realistic since it was built to scale.
The unforgettable Mayan Warrior art car returning home after a wild night.
The beautiful detail on the Jaguara Art Car complete with lasers
Sunrise at the Mayan Warrior
Eager Robot
RadiaLumia - a geodesic sphere that lit up in stunning colors at night. I often used it as a beacon to guide me back home at sunrise. Standing five stories tall and looking like a giant protozoa, it was hard to miss.